My intentions for this blog are fairly simplistic: mostly I would like to use this space as a means of encouraging myself to continue creating and growing by forcing myself to share my progress with anyone who may be interested. While I may share bits of my personal life, what I really want is to share my scrapbooking with all of the amazing bloggers already out there.


Here goes nothin'

Well I suppose I am officially a blogger. I originally thought I should call this blog "The Ultimate Over-thinker", as both a parallel to my beautiful sister's blog and to pay homage to my severe disability in decision making, but it turns out that someone out there has a similar problem and got to the title first. And so I turned to one of the most delicious bands of all time - Death Cab for Cutie - for some inspiration and slightly altered one of their song titles. I think it is perfect for a number of reasons. (1) I am afflicted with a need to scrapbook everything orthogonally and I am now trying to break free of my straight line obsession (2) It's a nice mathematical concept and everyone loves math... oh wait... that's just me (3) Is there anything better than Death Cab lyrics? Not much!

And so I will leave you with a few shots of my most recent crooked scrapbooking adventures as tour guided by my talented little sister.


Jules said...

Sweet you have a blog, I will get Anam to link you up at the TM site...

Jill said...

love you