My intentions for this blog are fairly simplistic: mostly I would like to use this space as a means of encouraging myself to continue creating and growing by forcing myself to share my progress with anyone who may be interested. While I may share bits of my personal life, what I really want is to share my scrapbooking with all of the amazing bloggers already out there.


The Starfish

Last night was the athletics banquet at school. I simply love seeing the kids dressed up - they almost look human :) I joke, I joke. We had a nice meal and some laughs, handed out some awards and parted ways by 7:00 p.m. A success in my books. I have only one (YES ONE!) more teaching day left of school. The rest will be filled with supervision, marking and catch up... and I can't wait! This challenging year has taken a toll on me but even more so my students. I have simply not improved as a teacher as much as I would have liked. I guess I should repeat what I say to my students to myself sometimes: "life is hard and then you die". Oh wait, I say that when they are complaining..... "Live and learn". That's the one I use when they don't do as well as they would like. One of my delightful swim team managers made me this re-purposed notebook as a gift. She came to raid my recycle bin earlier in the day promising to show me what she made out of it at a later. It's so cute! It has the story of "the starfish" on the front. It's the one about the old man throwing starfish into the ocean one at a time and then a young man comes by and asks him why he bothers when it won't make a difference (the old man's efforts are futile in the young man's opinion). The old man replies, as he throws another starfish in, that he made a difference "to that one". Awww. So nice! And with a nice little personal message inside to boot! You know, as much as the kids are getting to me these days I truly do love my job and them.... it's when they are all together that the problems start ;)

1 comment:

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

Yay! Re-purposed notebook!

Lucas is also very aware that this is the last month of school! Not counting down the days just yet, but he gets very excited when looking at the calendar!

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."