My intentions for this blog are fairly simplistic: mostly I would like to use this space as a means of encouraging myself to continue creating and growing by forcing myself to share my progress with anyone who may be interested. While I may share bits of my personal life, what I really want is to share my scrapbooking with all of the amazing bloggers already out there.
Just working at TM this Saturday and I thought I'd see what was in my cubby. Lucky for me I had some old photos from old page ideas. I was so excited that I scrapbooked a page right there and then. It kinda hurts my eyes a little but I'm so in love with patterns and colors. I know Jill is probably trying to stop herself from leaving the comment "too much! too much!" but I've decided I love it. And the pictures are hilarious to boot! Kurt Cobain inspired hair AND attire - Kara, I needed you then :) I've always known that my Dad and I share similar features but not until I found these photos did I realize how similar we really are.
Dad 1966. Me 1995. We were both in grade 6.

Enjoy your Saturday!
I love those Riff Raff hands you go in there! and you were totally adorable...I have lots of junior high pics where I look just like that (except less like a model, and more like a band geek with bad hair!)
keep it up!!
love this page. not too busy at all .. grow up and be confident this rocks.
Love you
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